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Dungeons are various sub-worlds within the Dominion. Each dungeon can be accessed through its respective dungeon portal, which will appear when various enemies are defeated.*

Dungeons are split into 5 tiers, with each tier meaning a higher level of difficulty than the last.

*A list of which enemies drop each dungeon portal can be found on that respective dungeon's page (not yet implemented).


This is the easiest set of dungeons in the game. They are typically used to introduce game mechanics and debuffs to new players, as well as allowing them to quickly gather basic equipment to help them get started on their journey.


These are the most commonly found dungeons after reaching level 20. They drop from mountains enemies, and are typically farmed for the more commonly obtained stat boosting gems (also known as rainbow gems) as a means to make your character grow stronger past level 20.


These dungeons are where new players' skills start to really be put to the test. They often have bosses with a few risky attack patterns, which force you to learn and adapt or suffer the consequences. They are the easiest sources of mana and health gems.


This is where players' skills start to seriously be challenged. These dungeons often take some time and practice to learn, and new players will likely struggle with them. Maxing some of your characters stats is advised before attempting to complete these dungeons. Once mastered however, they can be a solid source of mana and health gems. Defeating Darza in The Void can also grant you top tier equipment.


This is currently the hardest content in the game. These dungeons are designed for more experienced players with a good understanding of the game's mechanics. They are also a good source of top tier equipment.


There is currently no endgame difficulty content in the game.