Changelog Maintenance

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There currently no changelogs or archives being maintained on the wiki. For now this page serves as a call to action to any data gatherers eager to preserve the history of Darza's Dominion.

Below you'll find a few changelog categories that could hopefully one day be logged on this wiki, as well as how we hope to achieve this.

Update Changelogs

Most update info could be obtained through the patch notes on Steam. However, these don't always mention every detail and the game developers often leave out info about new unique items or affixes. To be able to preserve more accurate changelogs for future safekeeping, help from the developers or avid Darza historians will be necessary.

Affix Changelog

Affix patch notes should actually be pretty simple to maintain, since they were only added in the 5.0 update. Data about when and how specific affixes were changed/added is currently being collected in the wiki discord server.

Equipment Changelog

This would be handled in a similar way to the affix changelog. The only added challenge is obtaining data about equipment changes in older updates.

Legacy Info

Darza's Dominion has had a rich 7 year development history and has been rewritten several times. Documenting this history for any future players would be a great way to pay tribute to that. Any info from legacy players is welcome.