Quiver Affixes

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This page contains an overview of all quiver affixes in the game.

Pink Quiver Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Deadeye +9% Damage
+5% Ability Speed
up to date as of v5.2.0
Demonic +4% Damage
+5 HP on Kill
up to date as of v5.2.0
Locked In +3% Damage
+4% Ability Speed
-3% Ability Cost
up to date as of v5.2.0
Zen -5% Ability Cost
+4 MP on Kill
up to date as of v5.2.0

Blue Quiver Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Bloody +4% Damage
+3 HP on Kill
up to date as of v5.2.0
Focused +4% Ability Speed
-3% Ability Cost
up to date as of v5.2.0
Leeching -3% Ability Cost
+2 MP on Kill
up to date as of v5.2.0
Quick +3% Damage
+3% Ability Speed
up to date as of v5.2.0

Green Quiver Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Energized +1 MP on Kill 5.0
Up to date as of v5.2.0
Fresh +3% Ability Cost 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Pointed +3% Damage 5.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Slicked +4% Ability Speed 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0

Note: Fresh currently has a positive ability cost instead of a negative ability cost. This affix used to give ability speed but the devs changes it to ability cost and forgot to make it negative.

Orange Quiver Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Frail -3% Damage 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Recycled +4% Ability Cost 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Slimy -4% Ability Speed 5.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Weighted -2 SPD 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0

Red Quiver Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Damaged -4% Damage
-4% Ability Speed
Up to date as of v5.2.0
Faulty -1 Projectile 5.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Gross -8% Damage 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Punishing +8% Ability Cost 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0

Note: The Faulty affix is currently broken and doesn't do anything.