Robe Affixes

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This page contains an overview of all robe affixes in the game.

Pink Robe Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Beautiful +2 SPD
+16% Potion Efficacy
up to date as of v5.2.0
Elder's +20 MP
+2 ARM
+2 ATK
up to date as of v5.1.0
Exquisite +2 ARM
+1 VIT
+1 WIS
up to date as of v5.1.0
Ornate +2 ARM
+1 VIT
+10% Potion Efficacy
up to date as of v5.1.0

Blue Robe Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Charmed +20 MP
+1 VIT
+1 WIS
up to date as of v5.2.0
Hand-Sewn +2 WIS
+7% Potion Efficacy
up to date as of v5.1.0
Pretty +2 SPD
+1 VIT
up to date as of v5.1.0
Sparkling +1 SPD
+1 ATK
+2 WIS
up to date as of v5.2.0

Green Robe Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Soft +15 HP 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Vintage +1 WIS 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Warm +14 MP 5.1.0
up to date as of v5.1.0
Well-Knit +1 ARM 5.1.0
up to date as of v5.1.0

Orange Robe Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Dunce's -2 WIS 5.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Hand-Me-Down -1 ATK 5.2.0
up to date as of v5.2.0

Note: It is suspected that Fraying, Hand-Me-Down and Shabby have been moved from red to orange in update v5.2.0.

Red Robe Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Fraying -70% Potion Efficacy 5.1.0
up to date as of v5.1.0
Gross -20 MP
-1 ATK
up to date as of v5.1.0
Nasty -10 HP
-20 MP
up to date as of v5.1.0
Ripped -13% Potion Efficacy 5.10
up to date as of v5.1.0
Shabby -1 ARM 5.1.0
up to date as of v5.1.0
Soiled -2 SPD
-1 WIS
up to date as of v5.1.0