Staff Affixes

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This page contains an overview of all staff affixes in the game.

Pink Staff Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Beheld +2% Damage
-5% Ability Cost
+3 MP on Kill
Up to date as of v5.1.0
Bewitched +7% Ability Speed
-5% Ability Cost
Up to date as of v5.1.0
Bloodstained +4% Damage
+4 HP on Kill
Up to date as of v5.1.0
Unleashed +8% Damage
+10% Projectile Size
+5% Ability Speed
Up to date as of v5.1.0

Blue Staff Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Fierce +5% Damage
-4% Ability Cost
Up to date as of v5.1.0
Raging +8% Damage 5.2.0
Up to date as of v5.2.0
Seething +4% Damage
+2 MP on Kill
Up to date as of v5.1.0
Soaring +5% Ability Speed
-4% Ability Cost
Up to date as of v5.1.0

Green Staff Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Buzzing +1 MP on Kill 5.0
Up to date as of v5.0
Engraved +2% Damage 5.2.0
Up to date as of v5.2.0
Evil +2 HP on Kill 5.1.0
Up to date as of v5.1.0
Ordinary +1% Damage
+1% Ability Speed
Up to date as of v5.0

Orange Staff Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Creaky -4% Damage 5.1.0
Up to date as of v5.2.0
Fragile -3% Ability Speed
+3% Ability Cost
Up to date as of v5.0
Splintered -1 VIT 5.1.0
up to date as of v5.2.0
Wonky -1 SPD 5.1.0
Up to date as of v5.1.0

Red Staff Affixes

Affix Effects Last Updated
Battered -9% Damage 5.0
Up to date as of v5.0
Cursed +3 HP on Kill
-12% Ability Speed
Up to date as of v5.2.0
Disastrous -5% Damage
+4% Ability Cost
Up to date as of v5.1.0
Rotted -3% Damage
-13% Ability Speed
Up to date as of v5.0