
From Darza's Dominion Wiki
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   This wiki page is a work in progress. It may contain incomplete or inaccurate information. You can help improve this page by correcting errors or by adding up to date information from reliable sources. Thank you for your patience and contributions.

This page is an overview of our custom made templates that are typically used on the wiki. Documentation on how to use each template is written on the template pages. You can use a template on a page by typing the template name surrounded by two braces on each side {{ }}.

Templates are protected pages and can not be edited by normal users. If you have suggestions on how to improve a template or its usage documentation then please contact a wiki admin on our discord server.

Equipment templates

Equipment infobox template: template: Equipment Infobox

  • Teaches you how to create infoboxes on new equipment item pages and how to edit existing ones.

On Use/On hit effects template: template: Equipment Infobox/Effect

  • Used for displaying data of On Use and On Hit effects for equipment items. Only use this within an Equipment Infobox template as mentioned in the documentation.

Enemy page templates

Enemy infobox template: template: Enemy Infobox

  • Used for displaying enemy portraits and stats on individual enemy pages (not on dungeon pages).

Loot table template: WORK IN PROGRESS

  • Used for creating loot tables on enemy pages. Do not use on dungeon pages as these use a different template for displaying loot.

Dungeon templates

Drops of interest template: PLANNED

  • Used for creating a drops of interest overview table on dungeon pages..

Miscellaneous templates

Work in progress header: template: WIP

  • Used at the very top of pages that are placeholder/incomplete.