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This page serves as an overview of currently ongoing or planned data gathering projects. Any help in testing these is greatly appreciated.

Project statuses:

  • Ongoing = Testing for this project has already started, feel free to help out.
  • Planned = Testing for this project hasn't been started yet but is on the planning. Feel free to start gathering data for it, but please communicate about it properly on the discord server to avoid testing the same thing someone else might already be testing and maximize efficiency.
  • Not yet started = This project hasn't been started and is not considered to be high priority. Feel free to start gathering data for it, but don't expect for it to be immedietly relevant.

Data Gathering Projects

Enemy Armor Data

Status: Ongoing

To reliably gather data about enemy armor stats, we need to log how much damage is inflicted after hitting each enemy with an attack that has no damage variation and does not ignore enemy armor.

To help gather this data, hit enemies with a suitable weapon/ability and log the damage number by writing it down, recording it or taking a screenshot. Post the data in the wiki's discord server and always mention what damage modifiers (due to affixes) were active on the used item.

To see if an enemy's armor stat has been tested or not, visit the page for that enemy. If the enemy infobox lacks an armor value, or if the infobox does not exist at all, it has not been tested yet.

Suitable weapons/abilities:

  • Any staff
  • Any helmet (preferably as a recording, this is the easiest way to test a lot of dominion enemies quickly)
  • Decorated Desolation quiver
  • Venomous Pestle mortar
  • Chain projectiles of The Big Special (affected by attack stat and affix, so document this as well)

Mountains Dungeon Drops

Status: Ongoing

Most mountains enemies and mini-bosses can drop multiple different dungeon portals, but not all mountains enemies can drop every mountains dungeon. Which enemies can drop which specific dungeon portals has not recently been documented and needs verifying. You can help by writing down which dungeon portals you see dropping from which specific mountains enemies.

Character Stat Rolls

Status: Ongoing

Very little logged data currently exists around average character stat rolls and unmaxed character stat ranges.

You can help with testing this by taking a screenshot of your character's base stats at every level-up and posting them in the wiki's discord server. Be sure to also mention which class was used and how many fused gems of each type were used at the time of taking the screenshot (preferably do not use any fused gems while testing).

Boss Base Health and HP Scaling

Status: Planned

Every enemy has a base health stat (1% of this has to be dealt in damage to reach the soulbound bag treshold). For bosses, health also increases by set amounts per player in a process called HP scaling. You can test these stats by fighting a boss solo and watching how much HP is added when another player gets close.

To see if an enemy's health stats have been tested or not, visit the page for that enemy. If the enemy infobox lacks a Base Health and/or HP Scaling per player value, they have not been tested yet.

True Weapon Ranges

Status: Planned

Some weapons currently display incorrect ranges in their ingame tooltips. This is due to range calculations failing when the projectile does not have a consistant velocity, which is the case for axes and for many unique weapons. You can help test this by recording the projectiles of such weapons and measuring how many tiles they reach.

Quest Marker Experience Boost

Status: Planned

We know that enemies marked by a quest marker before you are level 20 give you more experience on kills. It is however not known how big this experience boost is. This could be tested by logging both the experience gained on quest marker kills and the experience gained from killing that same enemy without a quest marker.

Glory/Experience Per Kill

Status: Not yet started

This data would be useful to know for people who want to optimise their glory farming strategies. It can be tested for each enemy by writing down/recording the amount of experience or glory gained upon kills. Ideally we'd like to obtain the data for this through a game dev or dataminer instead, since it's a long grind and not that easy to get consistant data on.

It's also uncertain wether glory gain decreases after for certain enemies after certain glory tresholds are reached or not. If anyone tries to test this, consider logging both your glory gain upon killing a specific enemy as well as how much glory your character had upon killing the enemy.