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There are currently 5 different currency types in the game

(Still need to add icons)


Gained upon death of a character after gaining experience

Glory can be used to buy the Charm and Gamble accessories as well as cosmetic item removers. In a future update, it will also be used to reroll equipment affixes

Attainment Score

Gained by completing attainments. Semreh's attainment score shop is not implemented yet


Gained through defeating certain bosses, with the player having a chance to gain 1 equipped essence per boss kill. Essences can be equipped by talking to Astake, the Essence Keeper once you have unlocked the essence by defeating the related boss. Once enough of an essence has been collected, it can be exchanged for the corresponding Unique(s) for that boss.


Can be obtained through completing shield rank attainments, event attainments and daily quests. Alternatively it can be purchased with real money. This is essentially the "freemium" currency.

Used to buy backpacks, vault chest unlockers, character slots, pets and cosmetic items


Premium currency that can only be obtained through purchasing.

Used to buy supporter packs or dungeon keys.