Projects & Guidelines

From Darza's Dominion Wiki
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These guidelines are not meant to be restrictive to editors, but rather serve as a way to optimize our workflows and prevent people from having to do a lot of manual work. However, please be respective of the work of others and keep in mind that griefing will result in your editing permissions being taken away. Let's all work together to make this website as feature complete and pleasant to use as possible.

  • If you want to edit pages, you'll need to make an account. This is a universal account, meaning it will allow you to also view and edit source code of other game wikis. Verify to us that you've made an account to get the wiki editor role in our discord server.
  • Important: When editing pages, add a description of what you added/changed so it's easier to keep track of what happens and what still needs to be done. If you make a small change after your initial edit (example: correcting a typo, adding a link, etc) then adding a description is optional, but do mark it as a minor edit.
  • When adding game sprites to the wiki, we use a specific workflow to ensure a consistant outline thickness and image quality. The page also teaches you where to view all uploaded image files and how to rename them.
  • Make good use of our templates while editing the wiki. If no template exists for what you're trying to do, feel free to copy paste existing code from other pages and edit it to suit your needs. Templates are protected and can only be edited by administrators. If you want to suggest a change in a template or want to make a new template, contact the wiki admins in our discord server so the right measures can be made.
  • When displaying stats in infoboxes (equipment, classes, etc), write them in all caps and write attack as ATK rather than ATT. The point of this is to keep the way stats are written consistent across the entire wiki.
  • When updating item or affix stats, please provide an ingame screenshot of the new stats to our archive on discord for documentation purposes.
  • When adding trivia to pages, make sure it's relevant and that it comes from a reliable source.


Here you'll find an overview of what's currently in the works and where help is wanted.

Current Focus

Current focus of the main wiki team. Feel free to help out with these unless the task is labeled as "Admins only". Good communication on who is doing what to ensure optimal work efficiency is always appreciated.

  • Continue adding useful navigational links to pages.
  • Expand upon the stats overview and individual gems pages.
  • Add an enemy infobox to all boss pages and fill in the known information for them.

Upcoming Goals

Goals that the main wiki team will start to focus on after their current project is finished. Feel free to pick up on these at any time.

  • Create a beginner's guide that's easier for new players to understand than the quick progression guide and link it under the quick progression guide.
  • Make the Relics page functional, with at least basic placeholder text informing people what materials craft into which relics.
  • Add sprites for consumables, relic items, skins (any lootable item).
  • Add sprites for all of the non boss enemies and add them to the Bestiary, with the biggest priority going to mountains enemies and boss minions.
  • Add functionality to the Consumables page.
  • Add basic crafting recipes to to Crafting page (will likely be renamed to Trading & Crafting with added info about NPC/player trading mechanics).
  • Update the areas page to make more sense, consider also creating pages for each individual area within the dominion.
  • Admins only: Create a reference sprite sheet so users can add game sprites with the correct aspect ratio's.
  • Admins only: Create the enemy loot table template.
  • Admins only: Create a dungeon drops of interest table template.

Other Goals

These goals are generally considered lower priority by the wiki team. Just like with the upcoming goals section, feel free to get started with these at any time.

  • Add pet sprites and make the Pets page usable.
  • Add sprites of cosmetic items (other than character skins) and make the Cosmetics page functional.
  • Add status effect, weapon projectile and essence sprites.
  • Expand upon The Beyond page.
  • Expand upon The Dominion page.
  • Expand upon the Frog Contract page.